Arabic-English Dictionary for the Use of Students
being a modified edition of the compilation of the same name
(Digitization project. Work in progress. Current status: incomplete and unproofread.)
Hey, interr. part., I say, is it?
أَلَمْ وأَلَا
Is (he, she, it)... not?
Is (he, she, it)... not... yet?
I أَبَّ ◌ُ (أَبّ ، أَبَابَة ، إِبَابَة) إِلى
To desire
— ◌ِ ◌ُ (أَبّ ، أَبِيب ، أَبَاب ، أَبَابَة) ل
To prepare oneself to, for.
أَبّ جـ. أَؤُبّ
Meadow, grazing.
Ce أَبِيب
Eleventh month of the Coptic year. July.
I أَبَتَ ◌ُ ◌ِ ، أَبِتَ ◌َ (أَبْت ، أُبُوت)
To be burning hot (day).
آبِت ، أَبِت ، أَبْت
Burning, hot (day).
I أَبَثَ ◌ِ (أَبْث) ه ، على
To speak ill of, to slander.
أَبْجَدْ، الحُرُوف الأَبْجَدِيَّة
The alphabet.
I أَبَدَ ◌ِ (أُبُود)
To last.
— ب
To settle, to abide in a place.
— ◌ُ ◌ِ (أُبُود)
To become wild (cattle); to take fright.
I أَبِدَ ◌َ (أَبَد) على
To irritate o.'s self with.
II أَبَّدَ هـ ، ه
To perpetuate. To scare.
V تَأَبَّدَ
To become everlasting (th.). To become wild (place).
أَبَد جـ. آبَاد ، أُبُود
Perpetuity; eternity.
أَبَدًا، أَبَد الأبَدِين، أَبَد الأَبَد
Always, ever, never.
على الأَبَد، إلى الأَبَد
For ever.
آبِدَة جـ. أَوَابِد
An extraordinary event. A wild beast.
أَبَدِيّ ، مُؤَبَّد
Perpetual; eternal.
Perpetuity; eternity.
I أَبَرَ ◌ِ ◌ُ (أَبْر ، إِبَار) ه
To prick a.o. with a needle. To spur. To give to a.o. to eat a needle in his food. To backbite.
I أَبَرَ ◌ُ ◌ِ (أَبْر ، إِبَارَة) هـ
To fecundate; to graft (a palm-tree). etc.
إِبْرَة جـ. إِبَر
Needle; sting. Sea-compass.
مِئْبَر ، مِئْبَار
Needle-case. Grafting-knife.
مِئْبَرَة جـ. مَآبِر
Slander, backbiting.
Pricked; grafted. Sharp-pointed.
I أَبَزَ ◌ِ (أَبْز ، أُبُوز)
To dart forth, to rush, to leap (gazelle).
— ب (أَبْز)
To insult a.o.
I أَبَسَ ◌ِ أَبْس ، II أَبَّسَ ه
To reprove, to despise, to humiliate a.o.
I أَبَشَ ◌ُ (أَبْش) ، II أَبَّشَ هـ
To pick up, to gather
I أَبَضَ ◌ُ ◌ِ (أَبْض) ، V تَأَبَّضَ ه
To fasten the foot of a camel to (his thigh).
إِبَاض جـ. أُبُض
Rope for fastening the foot of a camel. Hock, hamstring.
أُبْض جـ. آبَاض ؛ مَأْبِض جـ. مَآبِض
Man's and camel's ham.
إِبْط جـ. آبَاط ، ✧ بَاط بَاطَات
V تَأَبَّطَ هـ
To carry under the armpit.
تَأَبَّطَ شَرًّا
Nickname of an Arabian poet, lit: he carries evil under his arm.
Anything put under the armpit.
جَعَلْتُهُ إِبَاطًا
I put it beneath my armpit.
I أَبَقَ ◌ِ ◌ُ (أَبْق ، إِبَاق) إِلى
To run away, to flee, to take flight (slave).
آبِق ، أَبُوق جـ. أُبَّق ، أُبَّاق
Who has run away, who has fled.
I أَبِلَ ◌َ (أَبَل) ، أَبَلَ ◌ُ (أَبَالَة)
To be a skilled manager of (camels).
— ◌ُ ◌ِ (أَبَل ، أُبُول) ، أَبِلَ (أَبَل)
To go from the water to a fresh pasturage (cattle).
إِبِل جـ. آبَال ، أَبِيل
أَبِيل ، أَبِيلِيّ ، أَيْبُلِيّ جـ. آبَال ، أُبْل
A sexton, monk, bell-ringer.
إِبَالَة ، إِبَّالَة
Large fagot of wood. Management of property, of goods.
A troop (of camels or birds) following each other in a file.
A place full of camels, where many camels are to be found.
I أَبَنَ ◌ِ ◌ُ (أَبْن) ه ب
To accuse, to charge a.o. with a fault.
II أَبَّنَ ه
To compose the elegy of, to praise a dead person.
Beginning. Propitious time.
أُبْنَة جـ. أُبَن
Knot. Hatred, enmity.
Blameworthy. Suspicious. Unmanly, effeminate.
I أَبَهَ ◌َ (أَبْه) ب ، ل
To remember
لَا يُؤْبَهُ لَهُ
No one pays attention to it, unheeded.
I أَبَهَ ه ب
To suspect a.o. of.
V تَأَبَّهَ على
To show pride.
— عن
To turn aside with scorn from.
Beauty, brightness. Pride.
I أَبَا ◌ُ (إِبَاوَة ، أُبُوّ ، أُبُوَّة)
To be a father.
II أَبَّى ه
To swear by one's father, to say: (بِأَبِي أَنْت) May I ransom thee with my father.
V تَأَبَّى ه
To consider as a father.
أَبُ (عوض ابو) جـ. آبَاء
أَبُو ، ✧ بُو
Father. Word meaning causality or possession.
أَبَتِ ، يَا أَبَتِ ، يَا أَبَتُ ، يَا أَبَتَاه
O my father!
أَبُو النَّظَّارَة
The man wearing spectacles.
أُبُوَّة ، أُبَاوَة
Fatherly, belonging to a father.
Fatherly. ✧ Paternity.
I أَبَى ◌َ ◌ِ (إِبَاء ، إِبَاءَة) ، V تَأَبَّى هـ ، عَن
To refuse, to disdain
— ه على
To refuse to a.o.
Who refuses, who scorns.
إِتْب جـ. آتَاب ، إِتَاب
Shirt. Shift. Coat of mail.
V تَأَتَّبَ بِالْإِتْب
To put on a shift, a coat of mail.
مُؤَتَّب الظُّفْر
Having crooked nails.
إِتَاد جـ. آتِدَة ، أُتُد
Rope to fasten the feet of a cow, when milked.
Te آتَشْجِي جـ. آتَشْجِيَّة
I أَتَلَ ◌ِ (أَتْل ، أَتَلَان)
To walk at a quick pace.
مَأْتَم جـ. مَآتِم
Meeting at a dead person's house, funeral meeting.
أَتَان جـ. أُتُن ، آتُن ، أُتْن
X اِسْتَأْتَنَ
To buy a she-ass. To fall, to decline.
كَان حِمَارًا فَاسْتَأْتَن
Prov. The ass became a she-ass i.e. He was honoured and fell into contempt.
أَتُّون جـ. أُتُن ، أَتَاتِين
Lime kiln, brick kiln. Furnace.
I أَتَا ◌ُ (أَتْو ، إِتَاء)
To produce (ground). To grow up abundantly (corn).
N. of. act. Straight path. Manner.
إِتَاوَة جـ. أَتَاوَى
Tribute, tax. Bribe.
I أَتَى ◌ِ (إِتْيَان ، أَتْي ، أُتِيّ ،
⤶ إِتْيَانَة ، مَأْتَاة) ه ، هـ
To come to a.o.'s house or to a place. To happen to a.o. To give as a gift. To undertake a thing, to make it.
أَتَى علي
To ruin a.o. (fate). To accomplish.
— ب
To bring a.o. or
— ه ب
To present, to offer to a.o.
II أَتَّى (تَأْتِيَة ، تَأَتٍّ) هـ
To make a passage (for water).
III آتَى (مُؤَاتَاة) ه على
To comply with the wishes of, to obey a.o.
— ه
✧To suit a.o. (dress, climate).
IV آتَى (إِيتَاء) ه هـ
To give to a.o.
V تَأَتَّى مِن ، عَن
To proceed, to derive from.
— ل
To be prepared, disposed to. To happen unexpectedly (mishap). To become easy to a.o.
X اِسْتَأْتَى ه
To urge a.o. to come. To deem a.o. to be slow.
آتٍ مـ. آتِيَة
Who arrives, comer.
The future, time to come.
Front, opposite side. Place to which one goes or comes from.
I أَثَّ ◌َ ◌ِ ◌ُ (أَثَاث ، أُثُوث ، أَثَاثَة)
To be thick, close (hair, grass).
II أَثَّثَ هـ
✧To furnish a house.
V تَأَثَّثَ
To become rich. To live in a comfortable way, to have a good living. ✧To be furnished (house).
Household furniture, moveable goods, utensils.
أَثّ ، أَثِيث
Luxuriant (head of hair), tufted (hair).
✧Furnished, supplied with furniture.
I أَثَرَ ◌ُ ◌ِ (أَثْر ، أَثَارَة) هـ
To relate (a fact).
I أَثِرَ ◌َ (أَثَر)
To begin To choose.
— على أَصْحَابِهِ
To appropriate in preference to others.
II أَثَّرَ في
To imprint, to leave marks upon. To impress, to move.
IV آثَرَ (إِيثَار) هـ
To choose, to prefer
— ه على
To prefer a.o. to.
V تَأَثَّرَ ، VIII اِئْتَثَرَ ه
To follow a.o.
— ، VIII اِئْتَثَرَ ب ، مِن
To be wounded, moved by.
X اِسْتَأْثَرَ بِشَيْءٍ على
To appropriate exclusively to o.'s self.
— بِفُلَان
To call a.o. to Him (God).
إِثْر ، أَثَر جـ. آثَار
Trace, track, print, foot-step. Mark. Tradition.
أُثْر ، أُثُر جـ. آثَار ، أُثُور
Scar, cicatrix.
أَثْر جـ. أُثُور
Glitter of a sword.
الآثَارُ القَدِيمَة
The old monuments, ruins of old monuments.
أَثَارَة ، أُثْرَة مِن عِلْم جـ. أُثَر
What remains of a lost science.
Choice. Preference. Selfishness.
أَثِير جـ. أُثَرَاء
Who wears traces of. Excellent. Ethereal atmosphere,
Influence. Impression.
مَأْثَرَة ، مَأْثُرَة جـ. مَآثِر
Memorable fact, brilliant action. Benefit.
Transmitted by tradition.
Moving, pathetic.
II أَثَّفَ (تَأْثِيف) هـ
To prop a pot on a trivet.
أُثْفِيَّة جـ. أَثَافِيّ
Support of a pot.
I أَثَلَ ◌ِ (أُثُول) ، أَثُلَ ◌ُ (أَثَالَة)
To take root.
II أَثَّلَ ، V تَأَثَّلَ مَالَهُ
To become wealthy.
V تَأَثَّلَ
To become, to get firm.
أَثْل جـ. أَثَلَات ، آثَال ، أُثُول
أَثْلَة جـ. أَثَلَات
A tamarisk.
أَثْلَة ، أَثَلَة جـ. إِثَال
Furniture of a house.
أَثْلَة ، أَثَال
Nobility of origin.
أَثِيل ، مُؤَثَّل
Rooted. Noble.
I أَثِمَ ◌َ (إِثْم ، أَثَم ، مَأْثَم)
To commit a sin, a crime.
II أَثَّمَ ه
To accuse a.o. of a crime.
IV آثَمَ (إِيثَام) ه
To incite a.o. to a crime.
V تَأَثَّمَ مِن
To abstain from iniquity.
إِثْم جـ. آثَام
Sin, crime, felony.
أَثِيم جـ. أُثَمَاء ؛ آثِم جـ. أَثَمَة
مَأْثَمَة ، مَأْثَم جـ. مَآثِم
Sin, crime.
I أَثَا ◌ُ (أَثْو ، إِثَاوَة) ، أَثَى ◌ِ (أَثْي ، إِثَاوَة) ب
To slander, to backbite a.o.
مَأْثِيَة ، مَأْثَاة
I أَجَّ ◌ُ (أَجِيج)
To burn, to blaze (fire).
— ◌ُ ◌ِ (أَجِيج)
To run (ostrich).
— ◌ُ (أُجُوج)
To be brackish (water).
II أَجَّجَ هـ ، ه
To light, to kindle (the fire). To charge (the enemy).
IV آجَّ هـ
To render water bitter and brackish.
V تَأَجَّجَ ، VIII اِئْتَجَّ ، VI تَآجَّ
To burn fiercely, to become hot.
أَجَّة جـ. إِجَاج
Ardour, heat.
Brackish, bitter (water).
أَجِيج المَاء
Sound of falling water.
H يَأْجُوج ومَأْجُوج
Two powerful nations mentioned in the Bible.
I أَجَرَ ◌ُ ◌ِ (أَجْر ، إِجَارَة) ه على
To reward, to hire a.o.
I أَجَرَ ◌ُ (أَجْر ، أَجَار ، أُجُور)
To be set (bone).
أُجِرَتْ يَدُهُ
His hand has been set.
II أَجَّرَ هـ
To burn (bricks).
III آجَرَ (مُؤَاجَرَة) ه على ، في
To pay the wages of. To hire a.o.
IV آجَرَ (إِيجَار) ه
To reward a.o.
— ه ، هـ
To hire; to rent.
VIII اِئْتَجَرَ
To give alms. To be hired.
X اِسْتَأْجَرَ ه ، هـ ب
To hire a.o. To let at such a price.
أَجْر جـ. أُجُور ، آجَار
أَجُرَّة ، آجُرَّة جـ. آجُرّ
A baked brick.
أُجْرَة ، إِجَارَة
Salary, hire.
إِجَّار ، إِجَّارَة جـ. أَجَاجِير
Flat roof.
Lease of house, farm.
أَجِير جـ. أُجَرَاء ، ✧ أُجَرِيّ
Servant, hireling.
Workman, hireling, hired labourer. Hired (house).
X اِسْتَأْجَزَ
To recline on a pillow without leaning the back.
إِجَّاص ، ✧ إِنْجَاص
Plum. ✧ Pear.
Cry for chiding (sheep).
أَجِلَ ◌َ (أَجَل)
To be delayed, postponed.
I أَجَلَ ◌ُ هـ على
To cause (evil) to a.o.
II أَجَّلَ ه
To give delay to a.o.
V تَأَجَّلَ
To ask for a delay. ✧ To be postponed.
X اِسْتَأْجَلَ هـ
To request of a.o. a delay.
Yes, no doubt; of course.
أَجَل جـ. آجَال
Fixed term. Death. Maturity, expiration.
مِن أَجْلِك
For thee, on account of thee, for thy sake.
— جـ. آجَال
A herd of oxen.
الْآجِل ، الْآجِلَة
The future life, the life to come.
آجِلًا أَوْ عَاجِلًا
Sooner or later.
مَأْجَل المَاء جـ. مَآجِل
That has a fixed limit.
I أَجَمَ ◌ِ (أَجْم ، أَجِيم) ، V تَأَجَّمَ
To be violent, intense (fire). To become tainted (water). To be hot (day). To be disgusted with a food.
V تَأَجَّمَ على
To be angry with a.o.
أَجَمَة جـ. أَجَم ، أَجَمَات ، آجَام
Brush-wood, thicket. Den of a lion.
Any flat-roofed and square house.
أُجُم جـ. آجَام
Asylum, stronghold, fort.
I أَجَنَ ◌ُ ◌ِ (أَجْن ، أُجُون) ، أَجِنَ ◌َ (أَجَن)
To become corrupted, tainted (water).
آجَنَ (أَجْن)
To beat cloth (dyer).
إِجَّانَة جـ. أَجَاجِين
Urn. Amphora. Washing-tub.
مِئْجَنَة جـ. مَآجِن
Dyer's mallet.
I أَحَّ ◌ُ (أَحّ)
To cough.
أُحَاح ، أَحِيح ، أَحِيحَة
Shriek of pain.
I أَحِنَ ◌َ (أَحْن) على
To hate a.o.
إِحْنَة جـ. إِحَن
Anger. Inveterate hatred.
أَخُّ ، ✧ آخْ
Interj. expressing disgust, sorrow. Alas! poh!
Flour mixed with butter or oil.
I أَخَذَ ◌ُ (أَخْذ ، تَأْخَاذ) هـ ، ب مِن
To take from a.o.
أَخَذَ على خَاطِرِهِ
✧ To be offended, grieved.
أَخَذَ وأَعْطَى مَع فُلَان
✧ To frequent a.o.
أَخَذَ ب
To seize, to ravish or a.o.
— هـ عَن
To learn, to quote from.
II أَخَّذَ ه
To bewitch a.o.
III آخَذَ (مُؤَاخَذَة) ه ب ، على
To blame, to reprehend a.o. on, to punish a.o. for.
VIII اِتَّخَذَ هـ ، ه
To take chosen amongst many.
X اِسْتَأْخَذَ
To bow the head as a sign of sadness.
Chastisement. Use, custom.
أُخُذ ، أُخْذَة
إِخَاذَة جـ. إِخَاذَات
A land given as fee. Fish-pool. Shield-handle.
N. of act. Witchcraft, witchery.
أَخِيذ جـ. أَخْذَى
Prisoner, captive.
مَأْخَذ جـ. مَآخِذ
Place from which something is extracted. Source, mine. Manner.
Taken, seized. Drawn, extracted.
II أَخَّرَ (تَأْخِير) هـ
To delay. To put at the end. To leave behind, to abandon
V تَأَخَّرَ ، X اِسْتَأْخَرَ
To remain behind, to be late. To be in bad business.
آخَر مـ. أُخْرَى ، آخَرُون
M. Other, else.
أُخْرَى جـ. أُخَر ، أُخْرَيَات
F. Other, else.
Back, backside, hind part.
أَخَرَةً ، بِأَخَرَةٍ
With delays; at last, at the end.
آخِر جـ. أَوَاخِر
End. Last.
آخِرَة جـ. أَوَاخِر
Extremity, end. Desinence.
الْآخِر ، الْآخِرَة ، الْأُخرَى
The other life, the life to come.
Belonging to the life to come.
P أَخُور ، ✧ يَاخُور
أَمِير أَخُور
Equerry, shield-bearer
في الْآخِر
At the end, in the last.
عَن آخِرِهِم
Till the last.
أَخِير جـ. أَخِيرُون
Last, extreme.
At last, at the end, finally.
Back part, hinder part, back, croup. Exterior angle of the eye. Stern (of a ship).
Remained behind.
نَخلَة مِئْخَار جـ. مَآخِير
Palm-tree that keeps its fruit till winter.
I أَخَا ◌ُ (أُخُوَّة) ه
To fraternise.
II أَخَّى ه
To tie up (an animal).
III آخَى (مُؤَاخَاة ، إِخَاء) ه
To fraternise, to take as a brother; to become intimately acquainted, to act in a brotherly way with.
— بين
To restore friendship between.
V تَأَخَّى ه
To act as a brother and friend of.
إِخَاء ، إِخَاوَة ، مُؤَاخَاة ، أُخُوَّة ، ✧ خُوَّة
Brotherhood; friendship, union.
أَخ (عوض اخو) ✧ خَيّ جـ. إِخْوَة ، إِخْوَان
Brother. Friend. Companion. Match, fellow of a pair.
أُخْت جـ. أَخَوَات ✧ خَيَّة جـ. خَيَّات
F. Sister, Female friend. Female companion.
أَخِيَّة ، آخِيَّة جـ. أَوَاخِيّ ، أَوَاخٍ
Tie, band, horse-lock, stake to which a beast is tied.
✧ أَخَوِيَّة
Confraternity, congregation.
G أُخْيُون
Viper's bugloss.
I أَدَّ ◌ُ ◌ِ (أَدّ) ه
To happen unexpectedly, to overwhelm a.o. (evil).
V تَأَدَّدَ
To behave resolutely.
إِدّ ، إِدَّة جـ. إِدَد
Misfortune, adversity.
Difficult, serious (affair).
I أَدُبَ ◌ُ (أَدَب)
To be well brought up, to be or become civilized.
I أَدَبَ ◌ِ (أَدْب) ، IV آدَبَ (إِيدَاب) ه
To invite a.o. to a banquet. To prepare a banquet.
II أَدَّبَ ه
To give a good breeding to a.o. To punish, to correct.
V تَأَدَّبَ
To receive a good bringing up. To be well disciplined.
— ، X اِسْتَأْدَبَ
To study literature.
أَدَب جـ. آدَاب
Good breeding. Politeness. Literature. Culture of mind.
بَيْت الْأَدَب ، أَدَبْتَا
✧ Water-closet.
عِلْمُ الْأَدَب
Literature, letters.
أُدْبَة ، مَأْدَبَة ، مَأْدُبَة جـ. مَآدِب
Meal, feast.
Punishment, chastisement, correction.
تَأْدِيبَات كَنَائِسِيَّة
Ecclesiastical censures.
أَدَبِيّ مـ. أَدَبِيَّة
Of good morals, honest, polite.
العِلْم الْأَدَبِيّ ، اللَّاهُوت الْأَدَبِيّ
Morals, ethics. Moral theology.
أَدِيب جـ. أُدَبَاء
Learned. Polite, honest.
I أَدِرَ ◌َ (أَدَر)
To have a rupture, a hernia.
أَدَرَة ، أُدْرَة
Hernia, rupture.
I أَدَلَ ◌ِ (أَدْل)
To heal (wound).
I أَدَمَ ◌ِ (أَدْم) ، VIII اِئْتَدَمَ
To season the bread with.
I أَدَمَ ، IV آدَمَ (إِيدَام) بَيْن
To reconcile a.o.
I أَدِمَ ◌َ (أَدَم) ، أَدُمَ ◌ُ (أُدْمَة)
To be brown.
أُدْم ، إِدَام
Daily subsistence. Condiment. Chief.
أَدَم ، أَدَمَة
Human skin, derm.
Adam (the first man).
Of Adam, human. ✧ Honest, polite.
آدَم جـ. أُدْم ، أُدْمَان مـ. أَدْمَاء ، أُدْمَانَة جـ. أُدْم
✧ Honesty, politeness.
أَدِيم جـ. أُدُم
Skin. Terrestrial surface.
إِيدَامَة جـ. أَيَادِيمُ
A hard, stoneless ground.
I أَدَا ◌ُ (أُدُوّ)
To ripen.
— لِفُلَانٍ (أَدْو)
To lay in ambush for a.o.
VI تَآدَى ب
To be supplied with tools, to be ready for a th.
أَدَاة جـ. أَدَوَات
Tool, implement, instrument. Particle (gram.).
I أَدَى ◌ِ (أُدِيّ) ، II أَدَّى (تَأْدِيَة) هـ إِلى
To transmit to a.o.; to pay, to restitute.
IV آدَى (إِيدَاء) ه على
To help, to assist a.o. against.
V تَأَدَّى لَهُ مِن
To pay. to settle (a debt).
X اِسْتَأْدَى ه هـ
To exact, to take from a.o.
X اِسْتَأْدَى ه على
To implore the help of a.o. against.
Payment of a debt. Performance of a duty.
إِذْ ، إِذ ذاكَ
Then, at that time, when, as, while.
Here... is, there... is; on a sudden. When, if.
إِذًا ، إِذَن
In that case, then, thus.
S آذَار ، أَذَار
March (month).
P آذَرْيُون
A kind of anemone.
I أَذِنَ ◌َ (أَذَن) إِلى
To listen, to hearken to.
— ل (إِذْن) في
To permit to a.o.
— (إِذْن ، أَذَن ، أَذَان ، أَذَانَة) ب
To know
II أَذَّنَ (تَأْذِين) ، IV آذَنَ (إِيذَان)
To call out to prayer (amongst Moslems).
IV آذَنَ (إِيذَان) ه هـ ، ب
To inform a.o. of.
X اِسْتَأْذَنَ ه في
To ask from a.o. permission to.
— على
To ask leave of entering in.
Permission, leave. ✧ Order (of a bill).
أُذُن ، أُذْن جـ. آذَان ، ▫ وُذن
Ear. Handle.
Izan (call to prayer).
آذَنُ ، أُذَانِيّ
مُؤَذِّن ، أَذِين
Muezzin (a crier who calls to prayer).
مِئْذَنَة جـ. مَآذِن
Minaret, turret of a mosque.
I أَذِيَ ◌َ (أَذًى ، أَذَاة) ب
To suffer damage.
IV آذَى (إِيذَاء) ه
To injure, to harm a.o.
V تَأَذَّى مِن
To suffer damage.
أَذًى ، أَذِيَّة ، أَذَاة
Damage, harm done to a.o.
أَذٍ ، أَذِيّ
Who suffers or causes damage.
Noxious, harmful, prejudicial to.
I أَرِبَ ◌َ (أَرَب) ب ، أَرُبَ ◌ُ (أَرَابَة ، إِرْب) في
To be skilful, ingenious in.
II أَرَّبَ هـ ، ه
To achieve, to better To render a.o. intelligent, sharp, to cut up.
III آرَبَ (مُؤَارَبَة) ه
To try to deceive a.o.
IV آرَبَ (إِيرَاب) على
To win, to overcome a.o.
V تَأَرَّبَ
To be tightened (knot).
V تَأَرَّبَ على في
To be hard towards a.o.
أَرَب جـ. آرَاب
End prosecuted, aim.
إِرْب جـ. آرَاب
Cunning. Limb. Anything necessary.
إِرْبًا إِرْبًا
In small pieces.
أُرْبَة جـ. أُرَب
Gordian knot.
The upper part of the thigh bone. ✧ Tumour.
أَرِيب ، أَرِب
Clever, able.
مَأْرَب ، مَأْرُبَة جـ. مَآرِب
End, aim, thing wanted.
إِرْث (اطلُب ورث)
Inheritance. Ashes. Old thing. Boot.
II أَرَّثَ هـ
To light (the fire).
— بَيْن
To excite discord between.
أُرْثَة ، إِرَاث
Combustible, tinder.
I أَرِجَ ◌َ (أَرَج ، أَرِيج) V تَأَرَّجَ
To exhale a perfume, to smell fragrant.
II أَرَّجَ ه ، هـ
To excite a.o., or (dissension).
أَرِيج ، أَرِيجَة
Perfume, good smell, scent.
Odoriferous, sweet-smelling.
Intriguer, intriguing.
II أَرَّخَ ، IV آرَخَ (إِيرَاخ) هـ
To put the date to. To write the history of.
تَأْرِيخ جـ. تَوَارِيخ
Date of a fact, of a letter. History, chronology.
تَأْرِيخ المُعَامَلَة
Date of coins, monuments.
Chronicler, historian.
Dated from; of such a date.
I أَرَزَ ◌ِ ◌ُ ، أَرِزَ ◌َ (أَرْز ، أُرُوز)
To cower, to roll up, to squat (reptiles). To be cold (night).
— القَوْم
Sustainer of a tribe.
I أَرَسَ ◌ِ (أُرْس)
To practice agriculture, to be a tiller, a husbandman.
— ، أَرِيس جـ. إِرِّيسُون ، أَرِيسُون ،
⤶ أَرَارِسُ ، أَرَارِيس ، أَرَارِسَة
Agriculturist, tiller.
Price of blood. Gift. Price given for damage. Incitement to discord.
II أَرَّشَ بَيْن
To make mischief amongst, to set at variance.
— هـ
To light (the fire). To kindle (war).
أَرْض جـ. أَرَضُون ، أُرُوض ، أَرَاضٍ ، آرَاض
Earth, terrestrial globe. Soil, ground. Country, land.
I أَرَضَ ◌ُ (أَرْض)
To bring forth herbs abundantly (soil).
I أَرُضَ ◌ُ (أَرَاضَة)
To become luxuriant and covered with green (soil).
أَرَضَة جـ. أَرَض
A tree-worm, wood-fretter.
Terrestrial, earthly.
✧ أَرْضِيّ شَوْكِيّ
✧ أَرْضِيَّة
Bottom of a vase; ground of a stuff. Ground of a house. ✧ Urinal.
✧ أَرْضِيَّة الجُمْعَة
Course of the week.
II أَرَّفَ (تَأْرِيف) هـ
To set limits to.
أُرْفَة جـ. أُرَف
Boundaries, limit.
I أَرِقَ ◌َ (أَرَق)
To be sleepless, wakeful. To slumber.
II أَرَّقَ (تَأْرِيق) ، IV آرَقَ (إِيرَاق) ه
To cause a.o. to slumber.
Partial insomnia, sleeplessness.
A kind of thorny tree.
I أَرَكَ ◌ِ ◌ُ (أُرُوك)
To eat the leaves of that tree (camel).
I أَرِكَ ◌َ (أَرَك) ، أُرِكَ
To be seized with colic for having eaten it (camel).
To cicatrize (wound).
أَرِيكَة جـ. أَرَائِك
Throne, seat. Ottoman.
I أَرَمَ ◌ِ (أَرْم) هـ
To eat all (the food). To devour the whole harvest, to destroy the crops (of the land).
— القَوْمَ و بأَمْوَالِهِمْ
To reduce people to misery, wretchedness.
آرِمَة جـ. أَوَارِم
إِرَم جـ. آرَام ، أُرُوم
Stone set up in the desert.
Iram (name of a place).
مَا بِهَا أَرِم وأَرِيم
There is nobody, no one.
يُحَرِّق الْأُرَّم على فُلَان
To gnash the teeth against.
أَرْمَاء ، مَأْرُومَة
Wasted (land).
أَرُوم ، أَرُومَة ، أُرُومَة
Root, origin.
I أَرِنَ ◌َ (أَرَن ، أَرِين ، إِرَان)
To be lively, quick.
إِرَان جـ. أُرَن
Litter, coffin.
— ، مِئْرَان جـ. مَآرِن
أَرِن ، أَرُون
Lively, quick.
I أَرَى ◌ِ (أَرْي)
To produce honey (bee).
— هـ
To remain in the stable, to become accustomed to it (beast).
II أَرَّى ه ، ل
To prepare a stable for (a beast); to fasten it to a pole.
آرِيّ ، آرِيَّة جـ. أَوَارِيّ ، أَوَارٍ
Pole to which a beast is fastened. Stable.
I أَزَّ ◌ُ (أَزّ ، أَزَاز ، أَزِيز)
To produce a noise (pot on the fire).
— ه على
To incite a.o. to.
Confusion, press, pell-mell.
I أَزَأَ ◌َ (أَزَأ) ه
To feed (sheep to the full), to satiate.
— عَن
To renounce, to give up.
I أَزَبَ ◌ِ (أَزْب)
To flow (water).
Little man, despised man.
مِئْزَاب جـ. مَآزِيب
Drain, sewer. Leaden pipe.
أَزَج جـ. آزُج ، آزَاج ، إِزَجَة
A prolate vault.
II أَزَّجَ هـ
To build a prolate vault.
I أَزَحَ ◌ِ (أُزُوح) ، V تَأَزَّحَ
To be late.
Person in arrears, late.
P آزَادِرَخْت ، أَزْدِرَخْت
Lilac of Persia.
I أَزَرَ ◌ِ (أَزْر) هـ
To surround
— ، II أَزَّرَ (تَأْزِير) ه ب
To strengthen. To wrap a.o. in a veil. To clothe a.o. with a waist-wrapper.
III آزَرَ (مُؤَازَرَة) ه
To strengthen, to assist a.o.
V تَأَزَّرَ ، VIII اِئْتَزَرَ ، VIII اِتَّزَرَ ب
To girdle; to wrap o.'s self in a veil, a mantle.
Strength; weakness. Back. Middle part of the body.
إِزَار ، إِزَارَة جـ. أُزُر ، آزِرَة
A very ample veil. Waist-wrapper.
مِئْزَر ، مِئْزَرَة جـ. مَآزِر
Waist-wrapper. Veil. Clothing. Mantle.
Help, assistance.
I أَزِفَ ◌َ (أَزَف ، أُزُوف) إِلى
To arrive suddenly. To draw near, to approach.
VI تَآزَفَ
To draw near (one to the other).
Day, hour of the last judgment.
I أَزَقَ ◌ِ (أَزْق) ، V تَأَزَّقَ
To be straitened.
مَأْزِق جـ. مَآزِق
Narrow place. Battlefield.
I أَزَلَ ◌ِ (أَزْل) ، V تَأَزَّلَ
To be in a strait.
أَزَل ، أَزَلِيَّة
Anguish; narrow circumstances.
Uncomfortable, under constraint.
I أَزَمَ ◌ِ (أَزْم ، أُزُوم) ه ، هـ
To bite.
— ه
To ruin a.o. (dearth).
— على
To be unfruitful (year).
آزِم ، آزِمَة جـ. أُزَّم ، أَوَازِم
Canine tooth.
أَزْمَة جـ. إِزَم
Scarcity, dearth. Poverty.
III آزَى (مُؤَازَاة) هـ
To correspond (o. to the other). To be opposite.
VI تَآزَى (تَآزٍ)
To be opposite, to front o. a,
Before, opposite, in front.
Before him, opposite to him.
إِسّ ، أُسّ جـ. إِسَاس ؛ أَسَاس جـ. أُسُس
Foundation, principle, basis.
II أَسَّسَ هـ
To lay the foundation, to ground.
V تَأَسَّسَ
To be founded (building).
Small quantity of ashes.
أَسَس جـ. آسَاس ، أَسَاسَات
Foundation of a building.
Foundation, principle, establishment.
Fundamental, principal.
مُؤَسَّس على
Founded upon, established, grounded on.
P أَلْإِسْتَانَة العَلِيَّة
Surname of Constantinople.
I أَسَدَ ◌ِ (أَسْد) ، II أَسَّدَ ، IV آسَدَ (إِيسَاد) ه
To set (a dog). To encourage a.o.
V تَأَسَّدَ ، X اِسْتَأْسَدَ
To be as courageous as a lion. To become strong, tall or dry.
أَسَد جـ. أُسُود ، آسَاد ، أُسُد ، أُسْد
مَأْسَدَة جـ. مَآسِد
Place full of lions.
I أَسَرَ ◌ِ (أَسْر ، إِسَارَة) ه
To tie, to bind a.o., to take captive.
— (أَسْر ، إِسَار) ، X اِسْتَأْسَرَ ه
To bring a.o. away as a captive.
II أَسَّرَ هـ ، ه
To fasten tightly, to squeeze.
X اِسْتَأْسَرَ ل
To surrender as a prisoner.
أَسْر ، إِسَار
Leather-strap. Captivity.
All, the whole of them, without exception.
بِهِ أُسْر مِن البَوْل
He suffers from ischury.
أُسْرَة جـ. أُسَر
Relationship, kindred, affinity. Strong breast-plate.
إِسَار جـ. أُسُر
Strong leather-strap.
أَسِير جـ. أُسَرَاء ، أَسَارَى ، أَسْرَى
Prisoner, captive.
مَأْسُورَة جـ. مَوَاسِير
Tube. ✧ Shank of a tobacco-pipe, ✧ Gun-barrel.
I أَسِفَ ◌َ (أَسَف) على
To be afflicted with.
IV آسَفَ (إِيسَاف) ه
To afflict; to irritate a.o.
V تَأَسَّفَ على
To regret, to be sorry for, to lament.
أَسَف ، أَسَافَة
Sadness, affliction.
يَا أَسَفِي ، يَا أَسَفَاه
Alas! What a pity!
أَسِيف ، أَسِفٌ على
Sad. afflicted.
أُسَافَة ، أَرْض أَسِيفَة
Barren soil.
Sad. Nervous, touchy.
I أَسُلَ ◌ُ (أَسَالَة) ، أَسِلَ ◌َ (أَسَل)
To be oblong full and smooth (face).
II أَسَّلَ هـ
To sharpen, to point.
V تَأَسَّلَ أَبَاهُ
To be like o.'s father.
Reed used for making lances, arrows. Spear, blade.
N. of un. Tip of the tongue. Fore-arm.
Oval-shaped full and smooth (face).
اِسْم جـ. أَسْمَاء ، أَسَامٍ
Noun, name. See سمو.
I أَسَنَ ◌ِ ◌ُ (أَسْن ، أُسُون) ،
⤶ أَسِنَ ◌َ (أَسَن) ، V تَأَسَّنَ
To be corrupted, to stink (water).
Corrupted, putrid (water).
I أَسَا ◌ُ (أَسْو ، أَسًا) هـ ، ه
To nurse, to cure. To console a.o.
— بَيْن
To make peace between.
II أَسَّى (تَأْسِيَة) ه
To console a.o., to nurse him.
III آسَى (مُؤَاسَاة)
To give a part of one's goods to a.o.; to be munificent.
V تَأَسَّى
To console o.'s self. To bear with patience.
— ، VIII اِئْتَسَى ب
To imitate a.o.
أُسْوَة ، إِسْوَة جـ. أُسًى ، إِسًى
Imitation; model. Relief; consolation
أَسُوّ ، إِسَاء جـ. آسِيَة
آسٍ جـ. إِسَاء ، أُسَاة
آسِيَة جـ. آسِيَات ، أَوَاسٍ
A medical woman. Doctoress.
I أَسَى ◌ِ (أَسْي) مِن ل
To leave to a.o.
Honey that remains in the hive.
آسِيَة جـ. أَوَاسٍ
Base, column.
I أَسِيَ ◌َ أَسًى على
To be sad, afflicted.
أَسًى ، أَسًا
Sadness, pain, sorrow.
I أَشِبَ ◌َ (أَشَب) ، V تَأَشَّبَ
To be intertwisted (tree). To be entangled.
V تَأَشَّبَ ، VIII اِئْتَشَبَ
To be mixed (crowd).
Intertwisted (tree). Confused.
أُشَابَة جـ. أَشَائِب
I أَشِرَ ◌َ (أَشَر)
To be cheerful, merry.
I أَشَرَ ◌ِ (أَشْر) هـ
To saw (wood).
— ◌ِ (أَشْر) ، II أَشَّرَ هـ
To sharpen (her teeth: woman).
▫ أَشَّر
To annotate. To put a visa upon.
أُشْرَة جـ. أُشَر ، أُشْر
Leg of a grass-hopper.
مِئْشَار جـ. مَآشِير ، مَوَاشِير
White moss that grows on oak and pine trees.
أُشْنَان ، إِشْنَان
Alkali. Potash.
I أَصَّ ◌ُ (أَصّ) هـ
To break or soften
II أَصَّصَ هـ
To strengthen.
Earthenware, earthen pan, vessel.
Adjoining houses.
II أَصَّدَ ، IV آصَدَ هـ
To stop, to shut.
II أَصَّدَ ه
To clothe a.o. with a chemisette, a short dress.
أُصْدَة جـ. أُصَد ، إِصَاد
Chemisette, tucker, a kind of short dress.
I أَصَرَ ◌ِ (أَصْر) هـ
To provide a tent (with a stake).
— ه على
To render a.o. kind.
III آصَرَ (مُؤَاصَرَة) ه
To be near, contiguous to, adjacent.
إِصْر جـ. آصَار
Burden. Compact. Crime.
إِصَار جـ. أُصَر ، آصِرَة
Stake of a tent.
آصِرَة جـ. أَوَاصِر
Tie, band. Relationship. Favour.
I أَصُلَ ◌ُ (أَصَالَة)
To be rooted.
II أَصَّلَ ه ، هـ
To state the origin of. To consolidate. To consider as noble. To classify according to a common origin.
V تَأَصَّلَ في
To take a footing, to take root.
— مِن
To originate in, to descend from.
X اِسْتَأْصَلَ هـ
To extirpate. To root out, to uproot.
أَصْل جـ. أُصُول
Origin. Race. Principle. Lineage. Root.
شَرِيفُ الْأَصْل
Of noble origin.
أَصْلُ المَال
Capital, stock.
Firmness of will, decision of character.
Extirpation. Extermination.
Original, radical.
لَا ... أَصْلًا
On no account, not at all, by no means.
The rudiments, the principles.
أَصِيل جـ. أُصَلَاء
Solid, well rooted. Gifted with a firm temper. Noble; of good breed (horse).
أَصِيل جـ. آصَال ، أُصُل ، أُصْلَان ، أَصَائِل
Time before sunset, evening.
جَاؤُوا بِأَصِيلَتِهِم
They came all of them.
I أَضَّ ◌ِ ◌ُ (أَضّ) ه إِلى
To compel a.o. to.
Shelter, refuge, asylum.
I أَطَّ ◌ِ (أَطِيط)
To crack (saddle). To groan (she-camel).
أَطَّتْ بِهِ الرَّحِم
He was moved with pity.
I أَطَرَ ◌ُ (أَطْر) ، II أَطَّرَ هـ
To arch, to curve an arch. To bend, to bow.
I أَطَرَ ◌ُ ◌ِ هـ
To surround (a house).
Fault, misdemeanor.
إِطَار جـ. أُطُر
Circumference. Hoop, circle, ring.
إِطْل جـ. آطَال ؛ أَيْطَل جـ. أَيَاطِل
Side, flank.
أُطْم جـ. أُطُوم ، آطَام
Fort, fortlet, stronghold.
V تَأَطَّمَ
To swell (waves). To rise up (flame).
— على
To become irritated with.
أَطُوم جـ. آطِمَة ، أُطُم
Chimney-piece. Hearth, fireplace.
آغَا جـ. آغَاوَات
Agha (a Turkish officer).
Dirt of the ears or nails.
إِفَّان ، أَفَّان ، إِفٌّ ، إِفَف
على إِفّ ذ ٰلِك
At the time of that.
I أَفِدَ ◌َ (أَفَد)
To hurry.
I أَفَرَ ◌ِ (أَفْر ، أُفُور)
To be active, nimble.
أَفَّار ، مِئْفَر
To be quick, active (servant).
G إِفْسَنتِين
Wormwood. Absinth.
I أَفَقَ ◌ِ (أَفْق) هـ
To tan (hides, skins).
I أَفِقَ ◌َ (أَفَق)
To reach the utmost degree of science, generosity.
آفِق ، أَفِيق
Liberal, learned.
Tanned (hide, skin).
أُفْق ، أُفُق جـ. آفَاق
Horizon. Country.
Great traveller. Adventurer.
I أَفَكَ ◌ِ (أَفْك ، أُفُوك) ، أَفِكَ ◌َ (أَفَك)
To lie.
— (أَفْك) ه عَن
To deter a.o. from.
I أُفِكَ
To be in want of rain and barren (soil). To be weak-minded.
إِفْك ، إِفْكَة ، أَفِيكَة ، أَفَائِك
Lie, falsehood.
أَفِيك ، مَأْفُوك
Good for nothing. Weak-minded.
Wild and destructive winds; hurricanes, storms.
I أَفَلَ ◌ِ ◌ُ (أُفُول)
To set (sun).
I أَفَلَ ◌ُ (أُفُول) ، أَفِلَ ◌َ (أَفَل)
To dry up, to have no more milk (wet-nurse).
I أَفَنَ ◌ِ (أَفْن) ه
To milk a (she-camel) out of time.
I أَفِنَ ◌َ ، أُفِنَ (أَفْن)
To be weak-minded.
I أَفِنَ ◌َ
To have very little milk (she-camel).
V تَأَفَّنَ
To decrease (th.). To boast of what one has not.
أَفِين ، مَأْفُون
خَمْر الْأَفْيُون
I أَقَطَ ◌ِ (أَقْط) هـ
To prepare (a dish) with sour cheese.
— ه
To give to a.o. sour cheese to eat.
أَقَط ، أَقِط ، أَقُط ، إِقِط ، أَقْط ،
⤶ إِقْط ، أُقْط جـ. أُقْطَان
Cheese made with sour milk.
أَقِط ، أَقِيط
Heavy and indigestible (food).
I أَكَّ ◌ُ (أَكّ)
To be hot and windless (day).
Hot and windless (day).
II أَكَّدَ ، وَكَّدَ هـ
To strengthen To assert. To certify.
V تَأَكَّدَ
To ascertain. To be verified. To be confirmed.
Reliance. Certainty.
I أَكَرَ ◌ِ (أَكْر) ، V تَأَكَّرَ هـ
To till (the ground), to dig.
أَكَّار جـ. أَكَرَة ، أَكَّارُون
Tiller, husbandman.
أُكْرَة جـ. أُكَر
Ball, bowl. Ditch, hole.
إِكَاف ، أُكَاف جـ. أُكُف ، آكِفَة
Pack-saddle (for asses, mules).
II أَكَّفَ (تَأْكِيف) ، IV آكَفَ (إِيكَاف) ه
To put a pack-saddle (on an ass, a mule).
I أَكَلَ ◌ُ (أَكْل ، مَأْكَل) هـ
To eat. To gnaw, to nibble, to corrode.
I أَكَلَ ◌ُ (إِكْلَة ، أُكَال ، أَكَال)
To itch (head).
I أَكِلَ ◌َ (أَكَل)
To be corroded, rotten.
II أَكَّلَ (تَأْكِيل) ، IV آكَلَ (إِيكَال) ه هـ
To give to a.o. to eat.
III آكَلَ (مُؤَاكَلَة) ه
To eat together, to take one's meals at a friend's.
V تَأَكَّلَ
To be eaten. To feel an itching. To be rotten (tooth).
VIII اِئْتَكَلَ
To become incensed. To put o.'s self into a passion.
أُكْل ، أُكُل
Food, eatable.
Canker. Itching. Rust.
أَكَّال ، أَكِيل ، أَكُول
A great eater, glutton.
مَأْكَل جـ. مَآكِل
Food, victuals.
Porringer for 2 or 3 persons.
مِئْكَال جـ. مَآكِيل
مَأْكُول جـ. مَآكِيل ، مَأْكُولَات
Edible, eatable. Victuals.
أَكَمَة جـ. أَكَم ، أَكَمَات ، إِكَام ، أُكُم ، آكَام
Hill, hillock. Rising ground.
I أَلَّ ◌ُ ◌ِ (أَلّ)
To hurry. To be restless. To be clear and bright (colour).
— ه
To strike a.o. with a spear.
— ◌ِ (أَلّ ، أَلَل ، أَلِيل)
To moan (sick person).
I أَلَّ ◌َ (أَلَل)
To be decayed (tooth).
II أَلَّلَ هـ
To sharpen the point of.
Compact. Relationship. Rancour, hatred.
N. of act. State of a mother who has lost her children.
أَلَّة جـ. أَلّ
A broad-headed spear, weapon.
Is (he she, it)... not?
أَلَّا (أَنْ لَا)
Lest... That he... not.
In order not to. For fear that he... not. Lest.
If not, unless, except, save. Less.
I أَلَبَ ◌ُ (أَلْب) ، V تَأَلَّبَ إِلى
To meet with.
I أَلَبَ ◌ُ ◌ِ (أَلْب) ، II أَلَّبَ ه
To gather (dispersed people).
II أَلَّبَ ه على
To excite a.o. against.
هُم عَلَيَّ إِلْبٌ وَاحِد
They are all united against me.
Ts إِلْجِيّ جـ. إِلْجِيَّة
اَلَّذِي جـ. اَلَّذِين ✧ إِلِي
M. who; whose, whom; that.
اَلَّتِي جـ. اللَّوَاتِي ، اللَّاءِي
F. who, whose, whom; that.
I أَلَسَ ◌ِ (أَلْس) ، III آلَسَ (مُؤَالَسَة) ه
To deceive, to circumvent a.o.
I أُلِسَ
To become insane.
Lie. Madness. Treachery.
I أَلِفَ ◌َ (أَلْف) ، IV آلَفَ (إِيلَاف) ه ، هـ
To get accustomed to a.o., to (a place). To become tame.
II أَلَّفَ بَيْن
To join, to unite, to bring together.
III آلَفَ (مُؤَالَفَة ، إِلَاف) ه
To frequent the society of.
IV آلَفَ (إِيلَاف) ه هـ
To accustom a.o. to.
V تَأَلَّفَ ه
To be intimately acquainted with.
VIII اِئْتَلَفَ ، VI تَآلَفَ مَع
To have relations of friendship, to keep up a friendly connexion with.
X اِسْتَأْلَفَ
To seek the friendship of, to court.
إِلْف ، أُلْفَة
Friendship. Company.
أَلْف جـ. أُلُوف ، آلَاف
إِلْف جـ. آلَاف ؛ أَلِيف جـ. أَلَائِف
Friend, companion.
آلِف جـ. أُلَّاف
Familiar, companion.
آلَف مِن
More familiar than.
أَلُوف جـ. أُلُف
Very familiar, very intimate. Tame.
Compact, alliance.
Agreement, friendship.
تَأْلِيف جـ. تَآلِيف
Book. Collection.
Familiarity. Friendship.
Author (of a book).
مَأْلَف جـ. مَآلِف
Dwelling, continuance in one place.
I أَلَقَ ◌ِ (أَلْق) ، V تَأَلَّقَ ، VIII اِئْتَلَقَ
To flash (lightning), to lighten.
I أَلِقَ ◌َ (أَلْق)
To be mad. To lie.
مِئْلَق ، مَأْلُوق
Seized with madness.
I أَلَكَ ◌ُ ◌ِ (أَلْك) ، IV آلَكَ (إِلَاكَة) ه
To send a.o. To champ (the bit: horse).
X اِسْتَأْلَكَ ه
To bear (a letter).
أَلُوكَة ، مَأْلُكَة
Letter, missive.
I أَلِمَ ◌َ (أَلَم)
To suffer.
II أَلَّمَ ، IV آلَمَ (إِيلَام) ه
To cause suffering; to affect, to grieve a.o.
V تَأَلَّمَ
To suffer. To be grieved. ✧ To be irritated.
أَلَم جـ. آلَام
Pain, suffering. Irritation. Passion, violent commotion of the mind.
آلَام المَسِيح
The passion of Jesus-Christ.
That causes suffering.
Painful. ✧ Rancorous.
I أَلِهَ ◌َ (إِلَاهَة ، أُلُوهَة) ه
To adore a.o. (as a god); to worship.
II أَلَّهَ ه
To deify a.o. To call o.'s self a god.
V تَأَلَّهَ
To be deified.
— ه
To adore a.o.; to worship.
X اِسْتَأْلَهَ
To be like God.
إِلـٰه جـ. آلِهَة
A god. Deity.
God (the true and only one).
O my God! Good God!
إِلَاهَة الشِّعْر
The goddess of poetry; muse.
Deification, apotheosis.
أُلَاهَة ، أُلُوهَة ، أُلُوهِيَّة ، أُلْهَانِيَّة
Divine, theological (virtue).
عِلْمُ الْإِلـٰهِيَّات
Theology. Metaphysics.
I أَلَا ◌ُ (أَلْو ، أُلُوّ ، أُلِيّ) في
To be unable to do To be late.
— هـ
To be able to. To neglect, to leave
لَم يَأْلُ جُهْدًا
He has spared no pains.
لَا يَأْلُوك نُصْحًا
He does not cease to warn, to admonish thee.
لَا يَأْلُو أَلَّا يَفْعَل
Nevertheless, for all that he continues.
II أَلَّى ، VIII اِئْتَلَى
To be unable. To neglect
إِلَّا حَظِيَّة فَلَا أَلِيَّة
Do not cease to claim what you have not obtained (prov.).
IV آلَى (إِيلَاء) ، V تَأَلَّى ، VIII اِئْتَلَى
To swear, to take an oath.
Possessors, possessed of (pl. of ذُو)
أُولُو القُوَّة
Men gifted with strength.
Gift, benefit. Dung.
أَلُوّ ، أُلُوَّة ، إِلِيَّة جـ. أَلَاوِيَة
أَلْوَة ، أُلْوَة ، أَلِيَّة
Swearing, oath.
I أَلِيَ ◌َ (أَلْي)
To have big buttocks.
أَلْيَة جـ. أَلَايَا ، أَلَيَات
Fat tail. Buttocks.
أُلَى ، أُولَى ، أُولَاءِ (m.f.).
These (pl. of ذَا ، ذِه).
أُولـٰئِك ، أُولَائِك (m.f.).
Those (pl. of ذ ٰلِك ، ذَاك)
إِلْي ، إِلًى جـ. آلَاء
Benefit, favour, grace.
أَلَاء ، أَلَى
A green-leaved and bitter fruit-tree.
أَلْيَان ، آلَى مـ. أَلْيَانَة ، أَلْيَاء جـ. أُلْي
Large, fat in the" tail, buttocks (sheep, men).
Ts أَلَاي جـ. أَلَايَات
مِئْلَاة جـ. مَآلٍ
Handkerchief used by hired mourners.
To. Till. Towards. At o.'s.
إلَيَّ ، إِلَيْكَ ، إِلَيْهِ
To me, to thee, to him.
إِلَى آخِرِهِ
And so on, et cetera.
إِلَى كَم
To what quantity?
إِلَيْكَ عَنّي
Go away; withdraw, be off.
الْعَرَب الْأُولَى والْأُلَى
The ancient Arabs.
I أَمَّ ◌ُ (أَمّ) ، II أَمَّمَ ، V تَأَمَّمَ ، VIII اِئْتَمَّ هـ
To direct o.'s steps towards (a place). To propose
I أَمَّ ◌ُ ه
To wound a.o. in the brain.
— (أُمُومَة)
To become a mother.
— (إِمَامَة) ه
To walk ahead. To be at the head (of an army).
V تَأَمَّمَ ه
To adopt as a mother.
VIII اِئْتَمَّ ب
To imitate a.o.
X اِسْتَأَمَّ ه
To follow a o. as a leader.
أُمّ جـ. أُمَّات ، أُمَّهَات
Mother. Source, principle, prototype.
يَا أُمَّتِ ، أُمَّاهْ ، أُمَّتَاهْ
O my mother! Mother!
أُمّ القِرَى
Fire. lit.: the mother of hospitality.
أُمّ القُرَى
Mecca, lit.: the mother of the towns.
أُمّ النُّور
✧ The Virgin Mary lit.: the mother of light.
أُمّ الدِّمَاغ ، أُمّ الرَّأْس
Pia mater; the brain.
أُمّ أَرْبَع ، أَرْبَعِين
Milleped, polypode (ins.).
أُمُّ النُّجُوم
The milky way.
Situated near or opposite to. A trifle.
Before, in front of.
إِمَام جـ. أَئِمَّة
Imam. Leader. President, Highway. String-course (arch.).
Dignity, rank of an imam.
أُمَّة جـ. أُمَم
People. Nation.
The gentiles, idolaters.
Motherly. Ignorant, illiterate.
✧ أُمَمِيّ
Gentile, idolater.
أُمِّيَّة ، أُمُومَة
أَمِيم ، مَأْمُوم
Wounded in the brain.
A conj. part. Either, or.
Is (he, she, it).., not?
إِمَّا ... وإِمَّا
Either.... or. Whether.... or.
I أَمَتَ ◌ِ (أَمْت) ، II أَمَّتَ
To conjecture, to determine
أَمْت جـ. إِمَات ، أُمُوت
Weakness. Emptiness, inequality. Doubt.
I أَمِجَ ◌َ (أَمَج)
To be thirsty.
صَيْفٌ أَمَجٌ
Very hot summer.
أَمَد جـ. آمَاد
Extreme point. Starting-place or goal in a race. Anger.
I أَمِدَ ◌َ (أَمَد) على
To become irritated with a.o.
II أَمَّدَ هـ
To show the limit of.
آمِد ، آمِدَة
Laden ship, Amida (town).
I أَمَرَ ◌ُ (أَمْر) ه ب
To command to a.o.
I أَمِرَ ◌َ (أَمْر) ، أَمُرَ ◌ُ (إِمْرَة ، إِمَارَة) على
To become a prince, chief, amir.
I أَمِرَ ◌َ (أَمَر ، أَمَرَة)
To be in good quantity (th.) To have numerous flocks.
II أَمَّرَ ه
To invest a.o. with power.
III آمَرَ (مُؤَامَرَة) ه في
To consult a.o. on.
IV آمَرَ (إِيمَار) ه
To command To a.o.; to order. To render a.o. wealthy (God).
V تَأَمَّرَ
To be invested with power; to reign.
VI تَآمَرَ ، VIII اِئْتَمَرَ
To make a common deliberation; to consult e.o. To plot.
VIII اِئْتَمَرَ ه في ، ب
To consult a.o. on.
— ب
To be actively engaged, busied about. To conform to a command.
X اِسْتَأْمَرَ ه
To consult a.o.
أَمْر جـ. أَوَامِر
Commandment, order, decree. Power, authority.
أَمْر جـ. أُمُور
Thing, business, subject.
أَمَارَة جـ. أَمَارَات
Sign, indication.
أَمَارَات الطَّرِيق
Opened, trodden road.
إِمْرَة ، إِمَارَة
Prefecture, power, empire.
إِمَّر ، إِمَّرَة
Foolish, silly.
مَا لَهُ إِمَّر ولَا إِمَّرَة
He does not possess a farthing.
أَمْر إِمْر
Serious, painful affair.
تَأْمُور جـ. تَآمِير
Soul. Vital spirits. The heart's blood.
تَأْمُور ، تَأْمُورَة
Convent of monks.
تَأْمُرِيّ ، تَأْمُورِيّ ، تُؤْمُرِيّ
أَمِير جـ. أُمَرَاء
Chief. Prince, amir.
أَمِير الْأُمَرَاء
Civil title equal to that of a colonel.
أَمِير المُؤْمِنِين
The Commander of the faithful, the Caliph.
أمَِيرُ أَلَاي ، ✧ مِير أَلَاي
✧ Colonel.
أَمِيرِيّ ، ✧ مِيري
Belonging to a prince. Public treasury. Duty paid to a prince.
Trustee, attorney, plenipotentiary.
Congress. Council. Conference.
Commanded: proxy. ✧ Public officer.
Mission, power of attorney. Office in the government.
أَمْس جـ. آمُس ، آمَاس ، أُمُوس
Lately, time not long past.
إِمَّع ، إِمَّعَة جـ. إِمَّعُون
Silly. Parasite.
I أَمَلَ ◌ُ (أَمَل ، أَمْل) ، II أَمَّلَ هـ
To hope
— ه
To trust in, to set o.'s hope on.
V تَأَمَّلَ في ، هـ
To meditate, to reflect on To consider, to contemplate.
أَمَل ، أَمْل جـ. آمَال
Hope, expectation.
تَأَمُّل جـ. تَأَمُّلَات
Meditation, reflection.
مَأْمَل جـ. مَآمِل
Hope, expectation.
Hope, that which is hoped.
I أَمُنَ ◌ُ (أَمَانَة)
To be true, loyal, faithful.
I أَمِنَ ◌َ (أَمْن ، أَمَن ، أَمَان ، أَمَنَة) هـ
To be in security, in safety.
— هـ ، مِن
To be in safety against.
I أَمِنَ ه
To trust to, to confide in
— ه ب ، على
To intrust a.o. with, to commit to.
— إِلَى
To put o.'s self under a.o.'s protection, safekeeping.
II أَمَّنَ ، VIII اِئْتَمَنَ ه على
To intrust a.o. with.
II أَمَّنَ (تَأْمِين) ، IV آمَنَ (إِيمَان) ه
To reassure, to tranquillise a.o.
IV آمَنَ (إِيمَان) ب
To believe, to have faith in.
— ه مِن
To put a, o. under shelter, to shelter him from danger.
VIII اِئْتَمَنَ ه
To confide in.
X اِسْتَأْمَنَ إِلَى
To seek protection from.
أَمْن ، أَمَان
Safety. Safe-conduct, security. Protection.
Loyalty. Security. Fidelity, faithfulness.
— جـ. أَمَانَات
Deposit; intrusted to a.o.'s care.
Good faith; sincerity.
Belief. Religious faith.
أَمِين جـ. أُمَنَاء
Faithful. Loyal. Steadfast.
أَمِين الصُّنْدُوق
آمِين ، أَمِين
Amen, be it so. Yes.
أَمِن ، أَمِين
Safe, sheltered.
Believer, faithful.
He whose safety is guaranteed.
I أَمِهَ ◌َ (أَمْه) هـ
To forget
To have the mind disturbed, disordered.
I أَمِيَ ◌َ ، أَمَا ◌ُ ، أَمَى ◌ِ (أُمُوَّة)
To become a maid-servant, a female slave.
II أَمَّى ه
To use (a female) as a servant, a slave.
V تَأَمَّى ، X اِسْتَأْمَى ه
To take a female servant or slave.
أَمَة جـ. إِمَاء ، أَمَوَات ، آمٍ
Female servant, bondwoman; handmaid.
أَن ، أَنَّ
That. (Conjunctive).
I أَنَّ ◌ِ (أَنِين ، أَنّ ، أَنَان ، تَأْنَان)
To moan.
مَا أَفْعَلُهُ مَا أَنَّ نَجْم في السَّمَاء
I will not do it, as long as a star appears in the sky.
أَنِين ، أَنَّة ، أُنَان
Groan, moan.
Groan. Lamenting continually.
Selfishness, egotism.
II أَنَّبَ ه
To reprehend a.o. energetically.
أَنْتَ جـ. أَنْتُم مـ. أَنْتِ جـ. أَنْتُنَّ
Thou, you.
أَنْتُمَا (dual).
You both
I أَنَتَ ◌ِ (أَنِيت)
To lament.
— هـ ، ه
To measure To grudge a.o.
I أَنُثَ ◌ُ (أُنُوثَة)
To be soft (iron). To be effeminate (pers.).
II أَنَّثَ هـ ، ه
To render feminine, to effeminate a.o.
V تَأَنَّثَ
To become of the feminine gender. To become effeminate.
أُنْثَى جـ إِنَاث ، أَنَاثَى ، ▫ نِتَايَة ، إِنْتَايَة
Soft, tender. Sweet, affectuous.
Feminine, effeminate.
I أَنِسَ ◌َ ، أَنُسَ ◌ُ (أُنْس ، أَنَس ، أَنَسَة)
To be polite, kind, social.
— ب
To have an intimate connection with a.o.
— إِلى
To become acquainted and familiar with.
II أَنَّسَ ه
To render familiar. To tame.
III آنَسَ (مُؤَانَسَة) ه
To be sociable, friendly, familiar with.
IV آنَسَ (إِينَاس) ه ، هـ
To delight a.o. by good manners. To perceive from afar.
V تَأَنَّسَ
Christian: To become a man. To show kindness.
X اِسْتَأْنَسَ
To act as a social man.
Social life: kindness, politeness.
أَنَس جـ. آنَاس
Crowd. Familiar.
إِنْس جـ. أُنَاس ، أَنَاسِيّ ،أَنَاسٍ ، أَنَاسِيَّة ، آنَاس
Man, mankind.
إِنْسِيّ ، أَنَسِيّ
N. of un. A human being.
اِبْن إِنْسِك
Thy friend, thy intimate friend.
إِنْسَان جـ. أُنَاس ، أَنَاسِيّ
إِنْسَان العَيْن
Apple of the eye.
Human. Polite.
Humanity, manliness. Politeness, good breeding.
أَنِيس ، مُؤْنِس ، مُؤَانِس
Friendly. Meek, kind.
Social life. Friendly relations.
Incarnate (the Verb).
Accustomed. Familiar.
I أَنُضَ ◌ُ (أَنَاضَة)
To be insufficiently cooked (meat).
IV آنَضَ (إِينَاض) هـ
To cook insufficiently (the meat).
Insufficiently cooked (meat).
I أَنِفَ ◌َ (أَنَف) مِن
To abstain from out of modesty, of shame.
I أَنَفَ ◌ِ (أَنْف) ه
To knock a.o. on his nose: to mortify.
VIII اِئْتَنَفَ ، X اِسْتَأْنَفَ هـ
To begin or to commence anew.
X اِسْتَأْنَفَ هـ
To go to appeal; to institute new proceedings against.
أَنْف جـ. آنَاف ، أُنُوف ، آنُف
Nose. Fore-part of anything. Extremity, point.
In the first place. Above. Before, afore.
Bashfulness, shame. Scorn.
New. Harmless, unhurt.
مِن ذِي أُنُف
First of all, in the first place.
He who rates himself high, piqued, disdainful.
اِئْتِنَاف ، اِسْتِئْنَاف
Beginning. Appeal (in law).
For the future, henceforth.
I أَنِقَ ◌َ (أَنَق) هـ
To admire
V تَأَنَّقَ ب ، في
To do carefully.
Elegance, grace. Beauty.
أَنِق ، أَنِيق ، مُؤْنِق
Fine, pretty; pleasing.
Vulture. Carrion-kite.
أَعَزَّ مِن بَيْض الْأَنُوق
Scarcer than a vulture's eggs: Said of difficult to be found.
I أَنَكَ ◌ُ (أَنْك)
To be gross, coarse (th.). To be ill-tempered (pers.).
أَنَام ، آنَام
Creatures. Mankind.
I أَنَى ◌ِ (أَنْي ، إِنًى ، أَنَاء)
To become mature, to ripen.
II أَنَّى هـ
To procrastinate, to delay.
II أَنَّى مَع
✧ To acquiesce in, to come to an agreement with.
IV آنَى (إِينَاء) ه
To hinder a.o.
V تَأَنَّى ، X اِسْتَأْنَى في ، ب
To act slowly. To procrastinate.
— ه
To treat a.o. with meekness.
X اِسْتَأْنَى ه
To wait for, to expect.
Patience. Meekness. Staidness. Expectation.
أَنَاء ، أَنًى ، إِنًى
Time. Point of maturity.
أَنًى جـ. آنَاء ، أُنِيّ
Time, space of time.
آنَاء اللَّيْل وأَطْرَاف النَّهَار
Day and night.
إِنَاء جـ. آنِيَة ، ججـ. أَوَانٍ
Vase, vessel.
Slowness. Meekness.
Slow. Meek, patient.
I أَهَّ ◌ُ (أَهَّة) ، V تَأَهَّهَ
To groan, to sigh.
II أَهَّبَ ، V تَأَهَّبَ ل
To get ready, to prepare.
إِهَاب جـ. آهِبَة ، أُهُب
Skin, hide, raw leather.
أُهْبَة جـ. أُهَب
Provision. Ammunition, apparatus.
Ready. Prepared, fitted out.
أَهَرَة جـ. أَهَر ، أَهَرَات
Movables, chattels.
I أَهَلَ ◌ِ ◌ُ (أَهْل ، أُهُول)
To marry.
I أَهِلَ ◌َ (أَهَل) ب
To get accustomed to (a place). To welcome a.o.
I أُهِلَ
To be inhabited (house, town).
II أَهَّلَ ، IV آهَلَ (إِيهَال) ه ل
To believe or to render a.o. worthy of, able to.
IV آهَلَ (إِيهَال) ه
To marry a.o.
V تَأَهَّلَ ، VIII اِتَّهَلَ
To marry.
V تَأَهَّلَ ل
To be qualified, to be fitted out for.
X اِسْتَأْهَلَ ه ، هـ
To deserve, to be worthy of, entitled to.
أَهْلًا وسَهْلًا
Be welcome!
أَهْل جـ. أَهْلُون ، آهَال ، أَهَالٍ
Family, house, household, as father, wife, children, people belonging to a community or locality.
— الجَنَّة
The blessed, the inhabitants of Paradise.
Domestic. National, civil. Tame.
أَهْل ل
Worthy of, entitled to.
Ability, aptitude. Relationship.
آهِل ، مَأْهُول
Inhabited. Crowded.
Who deserves, worthy of.
آهِن مِن المال
Hereditary goods. Home-born slave, cattle.
I آبَ ◌ُ (أَوْب ، إِيَاب) مِن
To come back from, to repent. To set (sun).
— إِلى اللّٰه
To come back to God.
II أَوَّبَ ، أَيَّبَ عَن
To come back from.
II أَوَّبَ ، III آوَبَ (مُؤَاوَبَة)
To walk the whole day.
V تَأَوَّبَ ، VIII اِئْتَابَ هـ ، ه
To arrive at the (water), at (a house), during the night.
أَوْب ، أَوْبَة ، إِيَاب
مِن كُلّ أَوْب
From all sides.
أَوَّاب جـ. أَوَّابُون
Who comes back to God, contrite for sin, penitent.
مَآب جـ. مَآوِب
Place to which one comes back.
The highest point of the sky. Summit. Apogee.
✧ V تَأَوَّخَ
To complain, to express grief.
I آدَ ◌ُ (أَوْد ، أُوُود) ه
To overwhelm a.o. (affair).
I آدَ ◌ُ (أَوْد)
To decline, to incline towards its end (day).
— (أَوَد) ، II أَوَّدَ هـ
To bend, to curve.
I أَوِدَ ◌َ (أَوَد) ، V تَأَوَّدَ
To be bent, curved, crooked.
V تَأَوَّدَ ه
To overcharge a.o. (work).
Bend, inclination. Work.
قَوَّم أَوَد فُلَان
To supply the wants of a.o.
أَوْدَة جـ. أَوْدَات
Burden, weight.
أُوَار جـ. أُور
Ardour of fire, thirst.
إِوَزَّة جـ. إِوَزّ
I آسَ ◌ُ (أَوْس ، إِيَاس) ه
To bestow upon a.o.; to reward.
Ts أُوضَة جـ. أُوَض
Room, apartment.
Ts أوضَجِي
Waiter, footman.
I آفَ ◌ُ (أَوْف) ه ، هـ
To cause damage to a.o. or
آفَة جـ. آفَات
Damage. Misfortune. Infirmity, bane, evil.
I آقَ ◌ُ (أَوْق) على
To draw an evil upon a.o.
II أَوَّقَ ه
To burden a.o.
Burden, weight. Sorrow, misfortune.
أُوقَة ، أُقَّة جـ. أُقَّات
Okka (a weight of about two pounds and a half).
I آلَ ◌ُ (أَوْل ، مَآل) إِلى
To reach. To come back to. To be reduced to.
— (أَوْل ، إِيَال) ه
To govern (subjects).
— (إِيَال ، إِيَالَة) على
To be a chief; to be set over.
II أَوَّلَ ه إِلى
To get a.o. back to.
— ، V تَأَوَّلَ هـ
To interpret, to explain
Family. Race, dynasty. Vapour that rises morning and evening, mirage.
آلَة جـ. آلَات
Instrument, tool. Organ.
آلَات الحَرْب
War apparel; weapons, arms.
الْآلَة الحَدْبَاء
آلَات الطَّرَب
Musical instruments.
Instrumental. Musician.
Organic, organized bodies (animal or vegetal).
أَوَّلُ جـ. أَوَائِل ، أَوَالٍ
Principle, principal.
أَوَّلًا ، في الْأَوَّل ، في أَوَّل الْأَمْر
Firstly, at first.
أَوَّلًا فَأَوَّلًا
Successively, by turns.
أَوَّل جـ. أَوَّلُون مـ. أُولى جـ. أُوَل ، أُولَيَات
First. Old. Preceding. Anterior.
أَوَّل البَارِحَة
The day before yesterday.
اَلأَوَّلُون والْآخِرُون
The ancients and the moderns.
أَوَّلِيّ مـ. أَوَّلِيَّة
Anterior, primitive.
Priority, anteriority. Axiom.
Interpretation, commentary. Spectre, apparition.
إِيَالَة جـ. إِيَالَات
Government. Province.
أَيَّل ، إِيَّل ، أُيَّل جـ. أَيَائِلُ
Deer, stag.
End, result. Return to a place, retreat. Event. Meaning (of a writing).
I آمَ ◌ُ (أَوْم)
To thirst.
— (أَوْم ، أُيَام ، إِيَام) على
To smoke out (the bees).
II أَوَّمَ ه
To excite the thirst of a.o. To fatten (cattle).
Burning thirst. Giddiness.
I آنَ ◌ُ (أَوْن) على نَفْسِهِ
To go, to act at ease.
Calmness, tranquillity. Fatigue.
آن ، أَوَان جـ. آوِنَة
Time, moment. Season of the year. Opportunity.
مِن الْآن وصاعِدًا
إِلى الْآن
Till this day, till now.
P إِيوَان جـ. إِيوَانَات ، أَوَاوِين ؛ ✧ لِيوَان جـ. لَوَاوِين
Palace. Arched hall.
I آهَ ◌ُ (أَوْه) ، II أَوَّهَ ، V تَأَوَّهَ
To exclaim ah! To weep.
He who sighs and cries to God.
آه ، آهًا ، أَوَّه ، أَوْهِ
Ah! Alas!
I أَوَى ◌ِ (أُوِيًّ) هـ ، إِلَى
To retire anywhere to take shelter in.
I أَوَى ، IV آوَى ، II أَوَّى ه إِلى
To receive a.o. at o.'s own house, to give hospitality to.
I أَوَى ◌ِ (أَوْيَة ، إِيَّة ، مَأْوِيَة ، مَأْوَاة)
To be moved with pity for.
V تَأَوَّى ، VI تَآوَى
To flock together (birds).
VIII اِئْتَوَى ، VIII اِتَّوَى هـ
To settle somewhere.
مَأْوًى ، مَأْوَاة جـ. مَآوٍ
Mansion, settlement.
اِبْنُ آوَى جـ. بَنَات آوَى
آيَة جـ. آيَات ، آيٌ
Sign. Wonder. Verse of a sacred book. Example.
That is..., viz. Hey.
أَيٌّ مـ. أَيَّة
Which? What? Which one?
Particle, prefixed to the objective case of pronouns.
إِيَّايَ ، إِيَّاكَ ، إِيَّاهُ ، إِيَّاكُم ، إِيَّاهُم
Me, thee, him, us, you. them.
إِيَّاك نَعْبُد
It is thee we worship.
إِيَّاك أَن تَفْعَل
Take care not to do.
يَا أَيُّهَا ، يَا أَيَّتُهَا
Vocative. O thou, o ye!
When? Wheresoever.
Int. used ia calling. Holloa!
إِيَا ، إِيَاة ، أَيَاة ، أَيَاء
I آدَ ◌ِ (أَيْد ، آد)
To be strong, firm.
II أَيَّدَ ه ، هـ
To strengthen. To help. To authorise, to confirm a.o. or
— ، III آيَدَ (مُؤَايَدَة) ه
To help, to succour, to strengthen a.o.
V تَأَيَّدَ
To be strengthened. To be helped.
أَيْد ، إِيَاد
Force. Support. Authority.
Help. Authorisation.
تَأْيِيدًا ل
In support, in confirmation of.
مُؤْيِد جـ. مَوَائِد ، مَآوِدُ
Serious affair. Monster.
أَيْر جـ. أُيُور ، آيَار
The north wind. The East wind. Membrum virile.
I أَيِسَ ◌َ (إِيَاس) مِن
To despair of.
II أَيَّسَ ، IV آيَسَ (إِيَاس) ه مِن
To make a.o. to despair of.
Disheartening, hopeless.
✧ أَيْش (عوض أَيّ شَيْءٍ)
I آضَ ◌ِ (أَيْض) هـ
To reiterate
Wood, forest of bushy trees.
I آمَ ◌ِ (أَيْمَة ، أَيْم ، أُيُوم)
To be a widower, a widow. To be unmarried.
II أَيَّمَ ه
To widow a.o. (God).
V تَأَيَّمَ
To remain unmarried or a widower, a widow.
أَيِّم جـ أَيَائِم ، أَيَامَى
Who lives in celibacy. Widower; widow.
I آنَ ◌ِ (أَيْن)
To draw near (time). To be tired, fatigued.
Wheresoever, wherever.
في كُل أَيْنٍ وآن
Always and everywhere.
إِلى أَيْن
Whereabout? Where? How far.
Tell me. Go on (imper. part.).
▫ أَيْوَاه ، أَيْوَا
Yes. So.