1 Introduction
We assume familiarity with basic Quarto commands and project directory structure.
In the next chapter we will explain in detail how and why Quarto needs text to be input in order to render Arabic correctly. If you wish to avoid the technical discussion, and just want to know how to get going, follow the quick start guide below.
1.1 Quick start guide
In order to render Arabic text correctly in your project, use the source code for this book as a template.
First clone or download the repo from here: https://github.com/adamiturabi/quarto-arabic-mwe
You must have Quarto and the following fonts installed on your system:
Edit or replace one or more of the .qmd
files in the srcqmd
directory directly with your text material. Make sure to update the list of .qmd
files in the _quarto.yml
Arabic text is input with the following syntax:
Input for an Arabic (inline) span with sample contents:
[هذا نص عربي.]{.ar}
Input for an Arabic (block) div with sample contents:
هذا كلام عربي طويل.
أريد أن أكتب حتى يبلغ النص سطرين.
أستعمل برنامج قوارطو لإنتاج الملف الخارجي.
هو برنامج جيد قد خلف البرنامج بكداؤن الذي كنت أستعمله من قبل. :::
Rebuild the project with
quarto render